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[국내대표 생활용품기업] R&D역량팀장(차장~부장, 전문계약직/2년)

  • 회사소개
    국내 대표 생활용품기업
  • 상세요강
    ▶ Enterprise Market R&D Capability Team Leader
    - Innovation strategy : Work with other technical leaders to develop the 0-3 year product innovation strategy for EM Personal Care (Baby&Child Care-BCC and Adult &Feminine Care -AFC) to support the EM growth and to meet business growth targets.
    - Innovation delivery: Deliver the 0-3 year product innovation pipeline across all categories formats to support the strategical growth in key lead markets. Work with other R&D leaders and supply chain engineering leaders under adopt first and adjust to EM needs (formats, mill capabilities, cost). Move fast - Overcome barriers for fast implementation cross markets and formats.
    - Cost transformation and sustainability ? lead or support cost transformation initiatives to optimize products cost and improve profit. Lead improvement in product sustainability (reduce plastic) to meet Cost Transformation and sustainability targets.
    - Team leader ? lead cross functional R&D team, including raw materials team and innovation engineering team. Evaluate opportunities across categories and prioritize resources. Develops and sustains talent through development and coaching. Creates an environment to share and leverage best practice and knowledge.

    - # +10 years of experience in R&E innovation.
    - Professional background in engineering/materials.
    - Experience in product development and innovation adoption in FMCG.
    - Good understanding and experience in Capital investment and appropriation processes.
    - Ability to resolve complex problems and translate market observations to business opportunities.
    - Experience in building innovation pathways cost effectively with end user target and growth in mind.
    - Financial and commercial understanding of market dynamics, P&L and how to build and evaluate business cases.
    - Strong capability to make decision and to drive for clear decisions and actions.
    - Analytical and fact-based decision-making skills with strong intuition, be able to “connect the dots” and be comfortable dealing with ambiguity.
    - Highly developed collaboration skills with an ability to work and influence across a matrix organization, influencing peers, other functions with credibility and strong business leadership
    - Building and Leading Teams: The leader should have the ability to build, motivate, manage, and develop strong teams (both direct and indirect).
    - 영어 역량 필수

    - 해당 경력 우대

    - 서류전형 > 직무적성검사 > 면접 1~3차

    - 이력서(상세 경력기술, 자기소개 포함)
  • 기타사항
    학력:대졸이상, 외국어:영어
    근무지:서울>송파구 (상세주소: 롯데타워 29층 & 재택 근무 Hybrid)
  • 담당자
    담당컨설턴트: 조현욱 부사장
    연락처: 02-518-3348
    이메일: jhu@fnexecutive.com

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채용정보안내 [국내대표 생활용품기업] R&D역량팀장(차장~부장, 전문계약직/2년)
담당컨설턴트 조현욱 부사장
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