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[외국계명품화장품회사] CRM Specialist  (지원마감)

  • 회사소개
  • 상세요강
    CRM Campaign
    - Build CRM strategy to encourage customer retention and boost consumer loyalty
    - Develop and operate CRM programs such as new welcome, mileage, birthday
    - Plan & execute VIP program and treatment
    - Execute regular customer communication to ensure the customer segmentation and
    marketing target
    - Analyze and evaluate CRM activities to share the insight and reflect on CRM strategy

    Customer Database Management
    - Modify customers’ personal information upon request
    - Support customer complaint and claim to deal with customer information and transaction

    - 4~7 years of marketing experience in the cosmetic/luxury/department industry

    - 서류전현
    - 면접전형

    - 국문. 영문 이력서 및 상세 경력기술서

  • 기타사항
    학력:대졸이상, 외국어:무관
  • 담당자
    담당컨설턴트: 채부경 부장
    연락처: 02-719-1448
    이메일: bkc@fnexecutive.com