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트위터 페이스북 링크드인 네이버블로그

[글로벌머신러닝광고솔루션기업] Machine Learning Engineer, Tech Lead

  • 회사소개
  • 상세요강
    - Build, grow, and lead a machine learning team across the Moloco platform technology stack.
    - Design state-of-the-art machine learning models using Tensorflow for real-world, large-scale problems.
    - Construct and maintain data pipelines for model training and serving using Google Cloud products such as Apache Beam/Dataflow, BigQuery, and BigTable.
    - Develop highly scalable model servers on cloud platforms.
    - Work with product, account, and infrastructure engineering teams to define future product roadmaps.

    - Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or related technical field.
    - 7+ years of software development experience in Machine Learning, Deep Learning related areas.
    - Exceptional level of communication, coordination, Machine Learning development, and development-team management skills.
    - Experience mentoring and leading Senior, Mid, and Junior MLEs.
    - Fluent in one or more programming languages, including Python, Java, and Golang.
    - Knowledgeable with production-level machine learning applications, including Natural Language Processing, computer vision, recommendation systems, and ranking systems.
    - Experience in building a highly scalable model or online service system.
    - Fluent in speaking and writing English.

    [ Preferred Qualifications ]
    - Relevant experience in AdTech

    서류전형, 면접전형

    국/영문 이력서
  • 기타사항
    학력:박사이상, 외국어:무관
  • 담당자
    담당컨설턴트: 김갑태 전무
    연락처: 02-706-2277
    이메일: kgtnice@fnexecutive.com

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채용정보안내 [글로벌머신러닝광고솔루션기업] Machine Learning Engineer, Tech Lead
담당컨설턴트 김갑태 전무
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